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How to find us
Holiday Villa “In Toscana” di Santoni Elisa
via dei Poggiarelli, 9
I-56030 Terricciola (PI)
coming from Florence:
take the motorway (superstrada FI-PI-LI) in the direction of Livorno/Pisa.
coming from Pisa:
take the motorway (superstrada FI-PI-LI) in the direction of Florence.
Leave the motorway at Pontedera and drive in the direction of Volterra untill you see signs for Terricciola. Please follow them ! Passing La Rosa you will find yourselves on the “Via Volterrana (red road on the map below)”. You should continue on the “Via Volterrana” for about 2-3 Km after which you will see a sign for Terricciola where you will need to turn right. Here the road starts to climb and you have to continue for about 2,5 km. Before reaching the village center please take the private road on the right highlighted by a stone sign “In Toscana”. Our private road, which has a large gate at the entrance, will take you to our Holiday villa (the only one with swimming pool!).
N.B. If you find yourselves in difficulty, just ask anyone for the Family Santoni Roberto or Poggiarelli Nr. 9. Everyone locally will know and be glad to help..
Your contact persons
Frau Elisa Santoni
Herr Davide Azzaroni
Tel. +49 89 123 92 998
Handy +49 176 49657909